Member Resources


Do you keep forgetting which weeks GPG is held? Did you know you can export the entire calendar for easy addition to your personal calendar? Click here to export as iCal!

Welcome, [pmpro_member field=”first_name”]!

Thank you for being a member since [pmpro_member field=”user_registered”]. This is the spot to access all of the various member features. When you’re logged in (like you are now,) you’ll notice the “Member Resources” menu item up at the top. You can edit your profile, upgrade your membership, and perform other actions from there.

You can also view merch and event orders, payments, update your shipping address, etc.

Certain sections of this page will be visible or hidden based on your membership level.

Booking Studio Time at GPG


All you have to do to book studio time slots for the upcoming (next 60 days) GPG events is:
1.) Click the giant “Click Here to Book It” text below. The calendar appears.
2.) Click a date with available time slots (indicated by the blue circle.) The available time slots appear on the right.
3.) Select your 30-minute time slot.
4.) Click “Confirm”
5.) Enter the information, along with any notes you want us to know.
6.) Click “Schedule”

Scheduling Tips

PRO TIP: You can use the “Add Guests” button to add the rest of your team, so your booking shows up on their calendars too! 

Studio Booking F.A.Q.

When should I arrive?
If you’re not on site and checked in by 15 minutes before your scheduled slot, we’re very likely to give it away to someone who is waiting or was unable to book into a full schedule.

Why can’t I book more than 60 days in advance?
Unfortunately, our experience is that no-shows increase drastically if booked more that a few weeks out.

Why is the time showing up “wrong” on my calendar?
Check your time zone settings! Are you visiting from afar? Do you not normally use Google Calendar? If your time slot is booked for 6:00pm MST at GPG, but your personal calendar is set to be in, say, EST, then it will show up at 8:00pm on your calendar. Be there at 6:00. You’re in MST. Welcome to the party. 🙂

[calendly type=3 url= text=”>>> CLICK HERE TO RESERVE YOUR GPG TIMESLOT! <<<“]

Booking the Studio OUTSIDE of GPG (Studio Partner)

You book studio time outside of GPG by creating a standard appointment on your own personal calendar and then inviting/adding the studio as an attendee (just as you might do for a “meeting room” in Microsoft Outlook, or a “resource” in other calendar systems, etc.)


The shared business/studio calendar for Rip Williams Photography, LLC.  is “” NOTE: This is a specific and distinct address that is different than any of Rip Williams “the person’s” emails you might have! It’s best to save this address to your contacts with a clear label like “RWP/GPG SHARED CALENDAR” to avoid confusion.

If you want to invite Rip “the person” to lunch use his personal email address so your meeting will be added to his private/unshared personal calendar. If you want to reserve the studio space and have the time blocked in the shared business calendar, use the address above. 🙂

You should receive an invitation to view the shared calendar as part of your onboarding (most people just add it to their normal personal calendar view so it’s always visible to them.)

To book time:

  1. Check your desired time and date to on the shared calendar to ensure availability.
  2. Create an appointment on your own personal calendar. Invite whatever guests, create recurrences, etc. as you require.
  3. (Important) Add “” as a guest/attendee like this (example in google calendar:)
  4. Click Save.
  5. (Important) Click YES to send notifications so that you can get a response!
  6. You should receive a “yes/going” response shortly that confirms your booking.

Please note: Booking requests are requests until they’re confirmed by the Studio Calendar responding “yes/going” (typically takes less than an hour!) Cancellations and reschedules on your end work exactly as you’d hope. If you cancel, the calendar opens back up. If you reschedule, you should get a new confirmation.

Advisory Board Information (Supporters/Partners)

Thank you so much for your support! This area of the page only appears for Supporters and Partners, and it highlights some additional items just for you. You should expect to receive a couple of things via email and see a few new things on the website:

  1. A Google Calendar invite to the Advisory Board Meeting (more meeting details below)
  2. A Google Drive shared folder notification for the “GPG Steering & Advisory Board” folder. This is where we store minutes and other documents.

Who: Supporters and Studio Partners are invited to participate in the optional GPG Advisory Board as voting members. You can “come and go” as you please, but we  encourage your regular attendance! Any GPG member can attend meetings to observe and participate in conversation.

When: Board Meetings Occur Every SECOND FRIDAY from 6:30-8:00pm. You should have received a calendar invite.)

Where (Changes Seasonally!):
Oct-March @ Albuquerque Press Club, 201 Highland Park Cr. SE, Albuquerque, NM 87102
April-Sept @ Poolside at “The Cuddlefish Club” (AKA Rip’s House) 2920 Wisconsin St. NE, Albuquerque, NM 87110
Remote attendance: Zoom or Google Meet options are always provided in the calendar invite.An